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Toyota issues massive recall: Over 100,000 vehicles at risk of engine failure


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Toyota, the renowned Japanese automaker, has announced a recall of over 100,000 vehicles. The recall, which includes some Toyota Tundra pickup trucks and Lexus LX600 SUVs, is due to concerns over potential engine stalling.


The issue at the heart of the recall is debris from the manufacturing process that may contaminate the engine. This contamination could cause the main bearings to fail, resulting in an engine stall and loss of drive power. The vehicles affected by this recall were built with V35A six-cylinder engines.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has been closely monitoring the situation. The NHTSA stated that the problem was discovered in March 2022 engine failure reports. While a solution to the problem is currently under development, the recall is the only way to remedy the issue for cars already on the road.


According to Toyota, vehicle owners will receive official notice of the recall at the end of next month. Any repair would be at no cost, ensuring that customers are not financially burdened by this unforeseen issue.


This incident raises questions about the quality control measures in place during the manufacturing process. It also underscores the importance of regular vehicle maintenance and the need for consumers to stay informed about recalls affecting their vehicles.


What are your thoughts on this massive recall by Toyota? How do you think it will impact the brand’s reputation and customer trust? Share your views in the comments below.




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Image:  Ken Wolter | Dreamstime.com

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