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'Inside Out 2' by Pixar rises beyond box office success of 'Dune', debuts to biggest opening weekend of 2024 (so far)

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Image: Disney


Pixar’s latest masterpiece, ‘Inside Out 2’, has made a spectacular debut, smashing global box-office records and becoming the highest-grossing opening weekend of 2024. The animated sequel raked in a staggering $155 million domestically and an impressive $295 million globally, surpassing the previous record holder, Dune: Part Two’.


The film’s success is particularly noteworthy given the recent backlash Pixar faced over its decision to focus on sequels and spin-offs. Some critics argue that Pixar’s shift towards sequels may stifle creativity and originality.


Despite concerns, ‘Inside Out 2’ has proven that Pixar’s strategy can yield fruitful results. The film’s performance is a testimony to Pixar’s enduring appeal and its ability to captivate audiences with compelling storytelling and innovative animation.


‘Inside Out 2’ explores the complex emotions of teenager Riley, introducing new characters such as Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy, and Ennui. The film’s nuanced portrayal of adolescence has sparked conversations about mental health and the challenges of growing up. Despite initial apprehensions, the film’s sensitive handling of these themes has been widely praised.



With ‘Inside Out 2’, Pixar has demonstrated that sequels can be both commercially successful and critically acclaimed. Will the studio continue to prioritize sequels, or will it return to its roots and produce more original content? Only time will tell.



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