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Adidas apologizes after uproar over Bella Hadid’s 1972 Olympics shoe collab

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Adidas has faced a wave of criticism for its marketing campaign featuring model Bella Hadid and the classic SL 72 sneakers. The controversy hinges on the historical context of the shoes—their debut at the 1972 Munich Olympics, marred by the massacre of eleven Israeli athletes by Palestinian militants—and Hadid's vocal support for Palestine.


The crux of the issue lies in the perceived association between the campaign elements. Critics pointed out the dissonance between a pro-Palestinian model promoting a shoe linked to a dark chapter in Israeli-Palestinian relations, particularly considering past accusations of anti-Semitism against Hadid. This perceived insensitivity towards the victims of the massacre sparked outrage on social media.

Facing mounting pressure, Adidas issued an apology. They emphasized the unintentional nature of any historical references and expressed regret for any offense caused. They pledged to revisit the remaining campaign materials, effectively distancing themselves from the controversy.



"The adidas Originals SL72 campaign unites a broad range of partners to celebrate our lightweight running shoe, designed more than 50 years ago and worn in sport and culture around the world. We are conscious that connections have been made to tragic historical events—though these are completely unintentional—and we apologize for any upset or distress caused." - Adidas


This incident transcends the realm of a single campaign. It ignites a crucial discussion about the tightrope walk corporations must navigate regarding political and historical sensitivities. The choice of brand ambassadors and the potential ramifications of such selections come under scrutiny.


This episode serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance brands must maintain when their marketing intersects with sensitive historical and political issues.


Should brands consider the political stances of their ambassadors? How can companies ensure their marketing campaigns are culturally sensitive?



Image: Denis Makarenko | Dreamstime.comThanee Hengpattanapong | Dreamstime.com


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