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The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has stepped in to clarify that a drag performance during the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony was not intended to be a depiction of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. The number, featuring DJ and producer Barbara Butch surrounded by drag artists and dancers, sparked widespread outrage among religious groups who interpreted it as a blasphemous reimagining of the Christian sacrament.


The French Catholic Church’s conference of bishops led the condemnation, describing the scene as “scenes of derision” that mocked Christianity. Voices from beyond Europe also joined the chorus of disapproval, with the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Anglican Communion in Egypt expressing deep concern over the perceived sacrilege.



The organizers of the event have maintained that the performance was inspired by the Greek god Dionysus, a deity associated with festivity and theater. They expressed regret for any offense caused and emphasized the inclusive nature of the Olympic Games.







Amid the growing controversy, the organizers of the ceremony issued an apology. Artistic director Thomas Jolly clarified that his intention was to convey a message of love and inclusion, not to provoke or offend.


Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps emphasized that there was no intent to disrespect any religious group and that the performance aimed to celebrate community tolerance.







Opening image: The Olympic Games

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