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McDonald's France breaks language barriers to welcome global visitors for the Olympics and beyond


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As the world descends upon Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympics, McDonald's France is rolling out a multilingual campaign designed to make every visitor feel right at home. Dubbed 'Welcome As You Are', the initiative, created in partnership with DDB Paris, celebrates the brand's global appeal while acknowledging diverse cultural references to the fast-food giant.



The campaign features a multi-faceted approach to breaking down language barriers. Out-of-home advertising and digital platforms will showcase humorous takes on local McDonald’s consumption habits in over ten languages. Additionally, an AI-powered tool will translate the French menu into multiple languages, making ordering a breeze for tourists.McDonald's France crew members will be sporting uniforms adorned with the 'Welcome As You Are' message in over 26 languages, creating a truly inclusive atmosphere.



The campaign takes on another dimension with a captivating TV film directed by Bradley & Pablo, known for their work with music stars like Rosalia, Harry Styles, and Dua Lipa. The ad humorously depicts tourists from different countries searching for their beloved McDonald's using various local nicknames such as "Mickey D's," "Makudo," and "Mecces." The lighthearted narrative highlights the unifying power of the iconic Big Mac, showcasing McDonald's global appeal while celebrating its ability to adapt to local preferences.


More than just a marketing strategy, the campaign demonstrates McDonald’s commitment to inclusivity and its ability to cater to a global audience. By embracing linguistic and cultural diversity, McDonald’s positions itself as a welcoming global hub for visitors to France.


Whether you call it McDo, Mickey D’s, or something entirely different, one thing’s for sure: McDonald’s France is ready to greet you with a smile (and a delicious burger) during the Olympics and beyond. This warm welcome will run across France until September 2nd.



Image: McDonald's France / DDB Paris 

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