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The Upside Down is trading Hawkins, Indiana for the Great White Way. Yes, you read that right. The stage adaptation of Stranger Things, The First Shadow, is heading toward Broadway’s bright lights after its debut stint at London’s West End.


The play, directed by Stephen Daldry and Justin Martin, is a prequel to the beloved Netflix series. It promises to shed light on the shadows of Hawkins, Indiana, transporting audiences to a time four decades before Eleven and her gang of misfits ever cracked open a Dungeon & Dragons manual. At the core of this theatrical time machine is the origin story of Henry Creel, better known to fans as Vecna, the nightmarish big bad with a penchant for grandfather clocks and mind-bending mayhem.


The First Shadow has already cast its spell on London theatergoers, snagging the Olivier Award for Best New Entertainment or Comedy Play.




But what can New York audiences expect when the curtain rises? A journey into the heart of Hawkins’ dark secrets, where government experiments and supernatural phenomena collide. The play promises to unravel the threads that connect the past to the present, offering fans a deeper understanding of the Stranger Things universe while delivering a standalone theatrical experience that’ll knock your tube socks off.


The play is set to open at the Marquis Theatre on April 22, 2025, with previews starting on March 28.




Image: Stranger Things

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