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Reddit considers adding paywalls to subreddits… r/u/Serious?

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Redditors, brace yourselves! The beloved social media platform is hinting at a potentially game-changing shift—the introduction of paywalled subreddits. In a recent earnings call, CEO Steve Huffman unveiled plans to unlock new revenue streams beyond traditional ad spending.


Huffman’s revelation suggests that certain subreddits may soon offer exclusive content or private areas accessible only to those willing to pay a fee. This move positions the brand a bit closer to platforms like OnlyFans, where creators can monetize their content. However, Redditors might be understandably concerned that this could alienate the community’s free-flowing spirit.


With that, Huffman insists the existing free version of Reddit will continue to thrive, even as the platform explores new business models. “Whenever we add basically a new way of using Reddit… it expands Reddit,” he explains, reassuring the community that this shift won’t cannibalize existing features.


In the past, Reddit has experimented with premium community features, such as the exclusive r/goldlounge. Now, the platform is looking to give more control to moderators and communities with even more exclusive spaces and content.



Image: Boumenjapet | Dreamstime.com

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