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International Cat Day: From yodeling cat to Taylor Swift, a meow-velous collection of cat commercials


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Cats have ruled the internet for years, and it seems their reign has extended to the advertising world. This month, a variety of cat commercials have been making the rounds, offering everything from heartwarming cuteness to laugh-out-loud humor, and even a touch of the unexpected.


Appealing to the Cat Lover in Us All

Advertisers understand the deep connection people have with their cats. By featuring these furry companions in their commercials, they can create campaigns that resonate on a personal level and leave a lasting impression.

One way advertisers achieve this is by showcasing the special bond between cats and their owners. Whiskas' commercial, 'Even the Fussy Cats,' takes viewers on a journey into the mind of a picky eater, complete with a "Purr Room" and a "purr-o-meter." This lighthearted approach explores the decision-making process behind a cat's purr, a sound most cat lovers cherish.



Similarly, Sheba's campaign, 'You'll Do Anything for a Kitten,' highlights the lengths cat owners will go to for their feline friends, even if it means enduring allergies. This humorous approach resonates with the strong bond many cat owners share with their pets.



Cats: Unconventional Brand Ambassadors

Beyond their traditional roles, cats have emerged as versatile symbols in the advertising world. Advertisers are increasingly recognizing their power to captivate audiences and create memorable campaigns. The automotive industry, known for showcasing sleek cars and rugged trucks, isn't immune to the feline charm. Take the Chevy Silverado pickup truck commercial, 'The Silverado Cat.' By featuring a cat enjoying adventures with its owner, the ad uses the cat's perspective to highlight the truck's capabilities in a lighthearted way.



Similarly, Toyota's Rav4 commercial attempts to showcase the car's features, but the adorable antics of its feline passengers steal the show. This unexpected turn of events demonstrates the power of cats to transcend traditional product categories and make even the most serious commercials entertaining.



Humor and Heartbreak: The Spectrum of Cat Commercials

While many cat commercials lean towards the cute and cuddly, the spectrum is broader. Cravendale's iconic 'Cats with Thumbs' ad, a 2011 hit, showcases a humorous and slightly chaotic world where cats have opposable thumbs.



Specsavers' 2017 commercial, with its near-sighted vet mistaking a fur hat for a cat, is another comedic gem. On the other end of the spectrum, Toyota New Zealand's commercial takes a more dramatic approach, featuring a Persian cat enduring a series of mishaps before a heartwarming ending.





A Touch of the Unexpected

Cat commercials are a canvas for creativity, often venturing beyond the expected. Britain's O2 telecom company took a thought-provoking approach with their ad featuring a lazy cat who experiences a life-changing realization.



Similarly, the memorable 'Yodelling Cat' commercial for Walmart pushed boundaries. This 2017 ad, a unique attempt to create a "watercooler moment," featured a CGI cat with exaggerated features yodeling holiday tunes. While some viewers found it endearingly quirky, others found it surprising or even unsettling.



Star Power and Feline Charm

Some commercials even combine the star power of celebrities with the irresistible appeal of cats. Taylor Swift's DirectTV ad showcases the diva-like behavior of her feline companions, while Kate McKinnon's Hellmann's commercial features a talking cat that steals the show, with a cameo by Pete Davidson adding an extra dose of comedic flair. These ads prove that the combination of celebrity and cat can create a truly unforgettable commercial.




So, whether you're a cat lover or simply enjoy clever advertising, there's a cat commercial out there for you. From heartwarming tales to laugh-out-loud moments, these furry stars continue to dominate the advertising world, proving that their "cattitude" is here to stay. What are some of your favorite cat commercials? Feel free to share them with us in the comments below. 


Image: Hellmann's

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