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David Bowie's creative legacy: Iman reveals previously unseen painting

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David Bowie, the legendary musician renowned for his shape-shifting personas and groundbreaking music, was also a gifted painter. A recent revelation from his widow, Iman, has unveiled a previously unseen piece, offering fans a fresh perspective on the multifaceted artist.




Iman unveiled the painting, created in 2014, on social media, captioning it with the hashtag #BowieForever. Previously only partially visible in the background of a series of Bowie portraits by photographer Jimmy King, the abstract work, with its splashes of yellow and blue, now takes center stage. It offers a compelling glimpse into a side of the artist often eclipsed by his music.




The ‘Space Oddity’ singer’s artistic journey predates his music career. Influenced by art movements like German Expressionism and artists such as Frank Auerbach and Francis Bacon, he created numerous paintings. These works often mirrored his personal experiences, offering intimate glimpses into the mind of the enigmatic star.


A particularly compelling aspect of Bowie’s art is his series of portraits, including those of his close friend Iggy Pop. Created during their Berlin years, these paintings capture the essence of their subjects with raw intensity.

Beyond painting, David Bowie was also an avid art collector, curating a diverse collection that spanned styles and eras. His passion for art deeply influenced his music, stage design, and overall aesthetic, solidifying his status as a cultural icon.


The musician who passed away in 2016 used a self-portrait for the cover of his album ‘Outside’, marking a pivotal moment in his artistic career. The move asserted his identity as a visual artist, not just a musician experimenting with paint.

David Bowie’s artistic legacy continues to mesmerize, and this unveiling of his painting is a powerful reminder of his boundless creativity. To delve deeper into Bowie’s artistic world, explore his works here.


What is your most enduring memory of David Bowie? What aspect of his artistry resonated most with you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.



Image: Laurence Agron | Dreamstime.com

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