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Remsen is on a mission to give old age a new lease of life. Founded by a pair of architectural designers, it aims to bring joy to everyday living for the elderly.


Tired of seeing their elderly loved ones surrounded by ugly, poorly designed stuff, Spencer Fried and Sam Zeif decided to do something about it. During the pandemic, they watched as their family members struggled with clunky, uninspiring products. It was then that the lightbulb moment hit.


With Remsen, it’s about making beautiful yet functional items that seniors actually want to use.




For example, pill containers are typically disposable plastic cases associated with medication management. The line, on the other hand, offers a frosted acrylic and aluminum disk with a magnetic closure, designed to be a permanent and attractive fixture on a bedside table. The container comprises seven circular compartments, each split in half to separate morning and evening doses, with embossed markers indicating the day and time.




Similarly, its grab bar, made from polished nickel, moves away from sterile, clinical designs and introduces a sleek, modern look that eases into a home’s decor.


New playing cards, with sculptural card holders, feature oversized typeface and symbols, ensuring that players can easily read their hand without strain. For a premium feel to every shuffle and deal, they’re crafted from thick, matte card stock and finished with gilded edges.




The shower chair has been reimagined with a sturdy stainless-steel frame and a naturally water-resistant teak seat, resulting in a piece of furniture that’s just as important as any other.




As for Remsen’s cane, it’s crafted from walnut with a stainless-steel shaft. It’s designed with form and function in mind—sturdy enough for use, yet elegant enough to stand on its own.




“For too long, if you were not young and able-bodied, your needs were treated medically,” the brand explains. “But people are not patients, and we are past seeing age and disability as something to fear or solve for. In refocusing our attention from the few that we’ve designed for previously, to the many we haven’t, we find how much we have in common; how much our needs and wants remain universal.” Find out more here.




Images: Remsen

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