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Apple Music is offering 3 free months to new subscribers for a limited time


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Tune in, music lovers! Apple is hitting all the right notes for those looking for a good deal. From August 7 to September 23, 2024, Apple Music is offering newcomers a three-month free trial of its popular streaming service.


The trial unlocks access to a vast library of over 100 million songs, all available without a single ad interrupting your listening experience. But that’s not all—subscribers can immerse themselves in the cutting-edge Spatial Audio technology, which promises to envelop listeners in a 360-degree soundscape.


Apple Music plays well with a variety of devices, from the usual suspects like iPhones and iPads to smart TVs and gaming consoles, ensuring that your favorite tracks can follow you from your living room to your commute and everywhere in between.


To get in on this action, potential subscribers need only sign in with their Apple ID and accept the trial offer through the Apple Music app on their Apple device. It’s worth noting that this offer is exclusive to first-timers—those who’ve previously dipped their toes into Apple Music or Apple One, even through a Family plan, won’t be eligible to participate.




Image: Rafael Henrique | Dreamstime.com

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