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Netflix unveils 'Squid Game: Unleashed' at Gamescom: Are you ready for the ultimate gaming challenge? [Trailer]


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Image: Netflix


Get ready to relive the heart-pounding suspense of 'Squid Game' in a whole new way. Netflix has unveiled 'Squid Game: Unleashed,' a multiplayer video game inspired by the hit series, at Gamescom 2024.


The game will transport players into a world of deadly games similar to the ones depicted in the series. Expect iconic challenges like 'Red Light, Green Light,' but with added twists and hazards to keep players on their toes. The trailer showcased a glimpse of the intense action and suspense that fans can expect from the game.


'Squid Game: Unleashed' is a multiplayer battle royale, where players compete against each other in a series of brutal contests. The game's fast-paced, action-packed gameplay will push you to the brink, demanding quick reflexes and strategic thinking to survive. Netflix is making it accessible to a wide range of players by releasing it on both iOS and Android devices.


The game is set to launch in conjunction with the highly anticipated second season of the original series, which is scheduled to debut on December 26, 2024. While no specific release date has been announced yet, the timing aims to capitalize on the renewed interest in the 'Squid Game' universe, offering fans a seamless and immersive experience.


'Squid Game: Unleashed' is just one example of Netflix's expanding presence in the gaming industry. The streaming giant's gaming library has grown rapidly, with over 100 games released to date. Netflix has also announced plans to release a new game every month, demonstrating its commitment to becoming a major player in the gaming world.



Fans, are you ready to risk it all and join the deadly games of 'Squid Game: Unleashed'? Let us know in the comments below.


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