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Viral 'very demure' TikTok star Jools Lebron collaborates with Verizon in new phone trade-in promo


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Image: TikTok/@joolieannie / Verizon


Verizon has made a splash in the digital marketing world by partnering with the viral TikTok star, Jools Lebron (also known as @joolieannie). Lebron, known for her relatable "very demure" videos, has quickly become a household name.

Lebron's viral video, in which she offered a tongue-in-cheek monologue on the importance of being "very demure, very mindful," has resonated with millions of viewers, garnering 3.7 million likes and counting. Her understated style and thoughtful commentary have made her a standout figure on TikTok, attracting the attention of brands eager to connect with younger audiences.


To capitalize on Lebron's popularity, Verizon has partnered with her to promote their new guaranteed trade-in program. As Leslie Berland, Verizon's chief marketing officer, stated, "Jools Lebron's 'demure' and 'cutesy' magic has taken over hearts and minds everywhere, and we jumped right in."

By aligning itself with this viral sensation, Verizon is tapping into a younger, tech-savvy demographic that values authenticity and relatability. The promo video, featuring Lebron's signature "demure" style, aims to highlight Verizon's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. This sponsorship deal reflects Verizon's recent brand refresh, emphasizing a renewed focus on its network, customer offerings, and a modern brand image.

This collaboration is a prime example of how brands are leveraging the power of social media influencers to connect with their target market. But will this "demure" strategy resonate with Verizon's audience, and will this collaboration be a resounding success, or just a fleeting trend?



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