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Postcard arrives at its destination 121 years after it was mailed out


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Talk about snail mail! A postcard from the Edwardian era has finally completed its journey, arriving at its destination a mere 121 years late. This time-traveling missive has left its recipients at the Swansea Building Society in Wales both amused and amazed.


The postcard, bearing the regal visage of King Edward VII on its stamp, was originally penned on August 3, 1903, and addressed to a Miss Lydia Davies, whose former residence is now occupied by the aforementioned building society. The card’s unexpected arrival on August 16, 2024, has sparked no small amount of head-scratching.


Henry Darby, the marketing and communications officer at Swansea Building Society, couldn’t hide his astonishment at the postcard’s sudden appearance. He dubbed it a “true anomaly,” which is putting it mildly. It’s not every day that a piece of mail older than most people’s grandparents—skipping even the whole of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign—shows up in the morning post.



The postcard itself offers a fascinating peek into the past. Its front adorned with a wintry scene featuring a stag, the message on the reverse paints a picture of everyday life in Edwardian Britain.


The sender, whose name is sadly illegible, apologizes for being unable to procure “a pair of these” (whatever “these” might be).



Dear L. I could not, it was impossible to get the pair of these. I am so sorry, but I hope you are enjoying yourself at home. I have got now about 10 (unreadable) pocket money, not counting the train fare, so I’m doing alright. Remember me to Miss Gilbert + John with love to all from (unreadable).


Now, the Swansea Building Society finds itself on an unexpected treasure hunt. It’s taken to social media, hoping to track down any living relatives of Miss Lydia Davies and reunite this century-old memento with its rightful owners—and perhaps solve the mystery of its extraordinarily delayed delivery.




Images: Swansea Building Society

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