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'Poorly drawn' Elon Musk sculpture is seen riding on back of Tesla Cybertruck

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If you thought you’d seen everything, imagine driving through Brownsville, Texas, and spotting a nine-foot-tall sculpture of Elon Musk being towed behind a Tesla Cybertruck. The larger-than-life figure, inspired by a poorly drawn meme of Musk, has made its rounds near SpaceX’s Starbase facility. As bizarre as it sounds, this isn’t some random prank but a playful tribute to the meme-ification of the tech mogul.


It all began six years ago with shabbily created portrait of Musk that appeared on Reddit. The sketch quickly gained popularity, inspiring memes and parodies. Now, thanks to the efforts of Louis XXII, a French tech entrepreneur, and the decentralized autonomous organization FeistyDAO, the meme has taken a tangible form.



Louis XXII, co-founder of ElonRWA, an Ethereum-based token, spearheaded the project. The bust, crafted from foam and fiberglass and painted to mimic bronze, was created by a Utah-based company and delivered to Louis XXII on August 15. While the project isn't linked to the token's value, it serves as a lighthearted way to bring the meme to life.




This isn’t the first time the collective has brought the Reddit caricature of Musk to life. Earlier this year, it commissioned local Brownsville artist Carlos Manuel Guerrero to create a mural featuring the same drawing with the phrase “Occupy Mars.” 




Opening image: ElonRWA

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