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Duolingo owl, are you OK? The sickly new app icon is weirding learners out

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Duo has the sniffles, but will it spark a language learning fever? The beloved green owl mascot of Duolingo, the popular language app, is looking under the weather in its latest icon update, and users are squawking about it.



The fresh app icon features Duo in a sorry state—eyes bloodshot, beak sagging, and even debuting a snotty schnoz. The usually chirpy (and sassy) character is now ruffling some feathers because learners are either confused or annoyed at the way the logo has disrupted their phones’ aesthetic.



The owl has undergone many a makeover in the recent past, previously sporting a melted form and flashing a generous tushy, among other appearances.


The current transformation appears to have been a gradual process, with users noticing a slightly off-color Duo last week, looking rather bewildered or perhaps even being on the verge of sneezing. The latest iteration cranks up the sickness factor with even redder eyes.



Being consistent with your lessons may or may not help—you’ll probably have to wait for the next app update to see if the bird is in the pink (or green) of health.



For those users feeling a bit queasy about Duo’s new look, however, Duolingo has offered a remedy—at least for some. Paying customers who've signed up for the premium Super Duolingo or Duolingo Max services aren’t stuck with the sickly owl. These subscribers have the option to switch back to a more familiar, healthier-looking Duo icon if they prefer.





Image: Duolingo

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