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KFC takes X-ray scans to show the true authentic nature of its fried chicken


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KFC Spain has a bone to pick. Tired of the stigma surrounding fast food chicken, it decided to take a literal X-ray of its product. In a 2018 campaign cooked up by advertising agency PS21, the fast-food chain aimed to prove that its chicken was as authentic on the inside as it appeared on the outside.


Surveys conducted by KFC Spain revealed that many customers had come to equate fast food chicken with the processed, pink sludge often found in chicken nuggets and hamburgers. This negative perception had led to a general distrust of fried chicken.


To combat this misconception, KFC Spain decided to get to the heart of the matter—quite literally. The chain partnered with specialists to take X-ray scans of its wings, drumsticks, and breasts. These diagnostic tests were then turned into visuals and displayed on billboards across Madrid.












Images: PS21

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