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Looks like Hawkins is about to get a whole lot smaller! Mattel is turning the Upside Down inside out and shrinking the world of Stranger Things to fit right in your pocket. In a nostalgic mashup made to tickle both 80s kids and Netflix binge-watchers, the toy brand has unveiled its Stranger Things Polly Pocket collaboration. This pint-sized playset packs all the thrills and chills of Hawkins, Indiana, into a compact package that's as portable as it is peculiar.


The miniature multiverse is captured in a retro tape recorder that splits open to reveal two contrasting worlds.





On one side, you’ve got the familiar streets and hangouts of Hawkins, complete with the Byers’ living room and the kids' favorite bike routes.




But flip it over, and you’re plunged into the eerie, otherworldly landscape of the Upside Down. It’s kind of like having a portal to another dimension right in your hands—minus the interdimensional monsters (well, mostly).




The set comes with six micro dolls that bring the Stranger Things gang to life in miniature form. Fans can recreate their favorite scenes with tiny versions of Eleven, Will, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and yes, even a pocket-sized Demogorgon. Because what’s a trip to Hawkins without a little danger?






The set also includes 10 accessories that capture moments from the show, from Eleven’s iconic blonde wig to a stack of Eggo waffles, bikes, and walkie-talkies.






For those eager to get their hands on this tiny piece of Hawkins, preorders kicked off on September 3, with the compact going for $50. Just keep it away from any nearby magnets—you never know when you might accidentally open a gate to the Upside Down!










Images: Mattel Creations

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