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Rick and Morty have just swooped into Gotham City in a hilarious new TV bumper dropped by Adult Swim, which sees the dynamic duo channel their inner Caped Crusaders in the art style of Batman: The Animated Series.


The short, running just under 50 seconds, sees Rick face off against some familiar faces from his own universe. Mr Poopy Butthole and Mr Meeseeks have traded in their usual look for something more befitting of Gotham’s rogues gallery. 



Directed and executive produced by Aron Fromm, the bumper is a love letter to the classic 90s animated series. With its cleaner, more distinct style and a theme that evokes Danny Elfman's iconic score, the short clip is a delightful fusion of Warner Bros properties.


For a more extended twist on the sci-fi cartoon, Rick and Morty: The Anime is now available to stream on Max.







Image: Aron Fromm

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