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Minecraft fan-created animated trailer wins over viewers amid live-action backlash

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Video screenshot via Warner Bros Pictures


The recently released Warner Brothers' CGI trailer for A Minecraft Movie has sparked heated debate among fans, with many not mincing their words. Many viewers compared the trailer to the controversial first look at the Sonic the Hedgehog film, which ultimately led to a character redesign.The main point of contention seemed to be the live-action animal characters from Minecraft, which fans felt didn’t translate well to the new medium.


In response to this lukewarm reception, a creative fan, 3D artist Alumio, took matters into his own hands. He crafted an animated version of the trailer that stays true to Minecraft's iconic blocky style, transforming the tone from awkward to genuinely entertaining. This fan-made remake has been met with overwhelming enthusiasm, garnering millions of views and numerous comments praising its authenticity and charm.


The official Minecraft movie, featuring stars like Jason Momoa and Jack Black, is scheduled to hit theaters on April 4, 2025. As we approach the release date, it will be interesting to see if the filmmakers will take note of the community's response and whether the animated version might influence the final cut of the movie.

What are your thoughts on this fan-made animated trailer? Do you prefer it to the official CGI version?




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