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Watch Nike's first-ever 'Just Do It' ad from 1988


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Nike’s Just Do It campaign didn’t just hit the ground running—it reshaped the advertising world. In 1988, the sporting giant sprinted ahead of the pack with three words that would echo through decades; the slogan is now as iconic as the swoosh itself.


The film’s star wasn’t the usual choice: it was 80-year-old Walt Stack, a marathon runner who would cross the Golden Gate Bridge on his daily 17-mile jog. Instead of showcasing chiseled athletes and high-octane action, Nike and its advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy took a different route. They focused on Stack’s matter-of-fact narration.


“People ask me how I keep my teeth from chattering in the wintertime,” Stack proclaimed. “I leave them in my locker.”



Recently, the commercial found new life after Jason Feifer, editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine, shared it on LinkedIn, reminding viewers of the campaign’s timeless appeal.



The phrase “Just Do It” itself has an unusual backstory. Dan Wieden, co-founder of Wieden+Kennedy, adapted the phrase from the last words of convicted murderer Gary Gilmore, who said “Let’s do it” before his execution. Wieden tweaked it into a simple, motivating slogan that would go on to inspire millions.


The genius of the campaign lay in its universality. “Just Do It” wasn’t just for elite athletes—it was for everyone. Whether you were a marathoner like Stack or someone just trying to get through a tough workout, the slogan’s message was clear: push through, persevere, and take action. That simple yet powerful call to arms has stayed with Nike ever since, becoming one of the most iconic advertising slogans of all time.




Image: Tea | Dreamstime.com


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