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The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) has rolled out a new billboard campaign that’s more than meets the eye, whether you’ve got perfect color vision or not.


To those with standard color vision, the billboards, dreamed up by Ogilvy Canada, appear as blank green canvases, but look closer and you’ll find that they’re composed of green and red dots.


These are essential to creating their hidden message, which only reveals itself to those with color vision deficiencies. It reads, “If you can see this, it's because we see you.”



This eye-opening campaign promotes the TD Accessibility Adapter, a free Google Chrome extension designed to make the internet more inclusive. With less than 3% of the internet accessible to users with disabilities, this tool aims to level the playing field.






Through the TD Accessibility Adapter, users can customize their browsing experience with reading guides, larger fonts friendly to those with dyslexia, and a variety of color modes including monochrome, dark mode, and low saturation. It started out as a tool for internal use, but it has now been made available to the public, free of charge. 


Images: Ogilvy Canada and TD Bank

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