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Cornetto eats up the ice cream and leaves the wrapper to create striking summer posters


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Cornetto’s enjoying a scoop of sunshine with handcrafted posters designed to make the brand synonymous with the season of summer—and all without its beloved ice cream cone.






Created by LOLA MullenLowe Madrid and PICT, the campaign combined the iconic Cornetto wrapper and logo with classic summer elements like surfers, boats, swimming, and beach umbrellas. The result was a series of stunning collages that captured the essence of summer’s joy.






The team experimented with myriad combinations of magazine clippings and Cornetto pacakging to achieve the perfect composition for each piece. Every element was carefully placed to ensure the final collage beautifully represented the spirit of summer and the pleasure of unwrapping a Cornetto.


“At Cornetto, we have a simple mission: to position the brand as an essential part of summer in people’s minds,” says Barbara Scala, global marketing head of Cornetto. “Thanks to our new brand campaign idea, ‘unwrap it’ we have uniquely associated summer with Cornetto by leveraging its distinctive brand asset at the centre of the creative idea.”







Images: MullenLowe Global, Tom Elliston, Pedro Mezzini

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