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Steven Spielberg and Judd Apatow to bring iconic Coke-Pepsi rivalry to life in 'Cola Wars'


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Hollywood is gearing up for a nostalgic sip of soda history as Judd Apatow and Steven Spielberg team up to bring the iconic Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi rivalry to the big screen.


This unexpected collaboration will combine Apatow's comedic genius with Spielberg's legendary storytelling. Apatow, the mastermind behind hits like Knocked Up and The 40-Year-Old Virgin, will take the director's chair, while Spielberg, the legendary creator of Jurassic Park and E.T., steps into the producer role through his Amblin Entertainment banner. Adding to the excitement,  the screenplay is penned by Jason Shuman (Acapulco) and Ben Queen (Cars 2, Cars 3). Their combined talents promise a script that seamlessly blends humor and depth, offering a fresh perspective on the legendary feud.


The movie, Cola Wars, aims to pop the lid off history,  focussing on the heated competition between the two brands that reached its peak in the 1980s. The film will highlight pivotal moments that shaped the cola landscape, such as Pepsi's groundbreaking partnership with Michael Jackson and Coca-Cola's infamous 'New Coke' fiasco. These events will showcase the bold strategies, missteps, and corporate maneuvering that defined the battle for dominance.


This star-studded project continues the trend of brand rivalry films, like Jerry Seinfeld's Pop-Tarts movie, which offered a comedic take on the competition between Kellogg's and Post. Whether you're a Coca-Cola fan or a Pepsi enthusiast, are you excited for this cinematic showdown? And what other legendary brand battles would you like to see brought to life on the big screen?



Images: Sbukley | Dreamstime.comCarrienelson1 | Dreamstime.com

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