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Colorblind people tend to be less picky eaters, new research shows


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Chew on this: your eyes might be the secret ingredient to an adventurous palate. A recent study has uncovered a surprising connection between colorblindness and food preferences.


Along with her team at Vanderbilt University, psychologist Isabel Gauthier, an expert in visual abilities, cooked up some fascinating findings about the eating habits of individuals with low color vision. Their research suggests that people who see the world through a different lens—quite literally—tend to be less fussy about what’s on their plate.


Through a series of tests examining food recognition and attitudes towards unfamiliar cuisines, Gauthier’s study revealed that colorblind men showed lower levels of food neophobia—the fear of trying new foods. These participants also scored lower on food disgust scales, indicating a more open-minded approach to diverse dishes.


The scientists theorize that this daring attitude toward food might stem from the unique way colorblind individuals perceive their meals. With a more limited color palette at their disposal, the visual aspect of food may pack less of an emotional punch. The less vivid visual experience could potentially soften the blow of encountering unfamiliar or visually challenging foods, making colorblind diners more willing to take a chance on new flavors.


“Our research is broadly consistent with other findings,” Gauthier concludes. “Color can help you decide whether food is cooked or if produce is ripe or rotten, and people tend to prefer meals with a range of colorful foods. Other research shows that color can influence what food tastes like. Some biologists have argued that the coloration of plants and the ability of animals to detect it have co-evolved.”





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