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'Flappy Bird' is being reborn in 2025 with a few modern twists

Garth Gator

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Flappy Bird, the notoriously addictive game that had players tapping their screens in equal parts of delight and frustration, is making its return flight in 2025.


Millions of players found themselves obsessively guiding a pixelated bird through a maze of pipes. However, Flappy Bird’s developer Dong Nguyen clipped its wings in 2014, citing concerns over the game’s addictive nature and the overwhelming attention it garnered. Flappy Bird was removed from app stores as a result.


Now, over a decade later, a group of dedicated fans calling themselves the Flappy Bird Foundation have acquired the rights to this nostalgic game, in hopes of keeping the classic’s spirit alive while giving it new energy. The revamped Flappy Bird promises to maintain the charm of the original while introducing fresh elements to keep players engaged.





Among the new features are additional characters to choose from and a variety of game modes. Players can test their skills in Think You Got Game?, a basketball-themed challenge, or face off against others in Rivals, a battle royale mode. For those who found the original too daunting, EZ Mode offers a gentler learning curve to help build those all-important Flappy skills.




And it’s not just mobile gamers who get to enjoy the return. The new Flappy Bird will rise like a phoenix and flap its way to web browsers and desktops, making it more accessible than ever. Flappy Bird 2.0 is slated for a late 2025 release on iOS and Android, with an earlier rollout on web platforms this fall.






Images: Flappy Bird

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