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Annapurna Interactive, publisher of 'Stray' and 'Outer Wilds' games, rocked as entire staff resigns en masse


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Image: BlueTwelve Studio/ Annapurna Interactive


The indie gaming world has been rocked by a sudden and unprecedented event: the en masse resignation of Annapurna Interactive's entire staff. This development marks a significant turning point for a company that has been at the forefront of innovative game publishing since its inception in 2016.


Annapurna Interactive, a subsidiary of Annapurna Pictures founded by Megan Ellison, quickly established itself as a powerhouse in the indie gaming scene. The company earned acclaim for publishing groundbreaking titles such as Kentucky Route Zero, What Remains of Edith Finch, and Outer Wilds. Their most recent success, Stray, not only sold millions of copies within its first month but also clinched prestigious industry awards in 2022.


The catalyst for this dramatic exodus appears to be the breakdown of negotiations between the staff and Megan Ellison. Led by President Nathan Gary, the team had been exploring the possibility of spinning off the gaming division into an independent entity. When these talks collapsed, all 25 members of Annapurna Interactive made the difficult decision to resign collectively.


In a statement to Bloomberg, Gary and his team expressed the gravity of their choice: "This was one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make and we did not take this action lightly." The impact of this mass departure extends beyond Annapurna Interactive itself, leaving partnered developers in a state of uncertainty regarding their ongoing projects.


Despite this setback, Annapurna Interactive is not closing its doors. Megan Ellison has moved swiftly to reassure partners and developers that existing contracts will be honored, and ongoing projects will continue to receive support. In a bid to steer the company through this turbulent period, Hector Sanchez, a former executive at Epic Games, has been appointed as the new president of the gaming division.


Sanchez faces the challenging task of rebuilding the team while maintaining Annapurna Interactive's reputation for fostering unique and artistic game projects. His commitment to upholding the company's innovative spirit will be crucial in navigating this transition and shaping the future of indie game publishing.


As Annapurna Interactive embarks on this new chapter, how do you think this will impact the indie gaming landscape? Will the company be able to recapture the magic that made it a beloved publisher, or will this mass exodus mark the end of an era in indie gaming?


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