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With Apple freshly unveiling the iPhone 16 series, Samsung is once again attempting to fold the competition with a cheeky stab at the Cupertino tech giant’s heritage.


In the Android phone maker’s new commercial, the Galaxy Z Flip6 stands out in a sea of what look to be white iPhones.


Here, Samsung is playing up the fact that, despite Apple’s reputation for innovation, it still hasn’t ventured into foldable or flip phone territory. The not-so-gentle jab comes as Apple continues to stick with its classic, rigid smartphone design while Samsung has been embracing foldables for five years now, starting with the Galaxy Fold.


The ad highlights the word “Different,” written in a style reminiscent of Apple’s iconic Think Different slogan.


The Think Different reference is particularly pointed, given the history behind Apple’s campaign. Launched in 1997 by TBWA\Chiat\Day, Think Different was Apple’s answer to IBM’s Think campaign. It helped reposition Apple as the go-to brand for creative minds during a time when the company was struggling under the weight of competition. Steve Jobs’ return to the company around that time brought renewed focus, and the slogan became a reflection of Apple’s visionary philosophy. It ran until 2002, but its impact on Apple’s brand identity lingers to this day.



While some applaud Samsung’s audacity, others point out a touch of irony, seeing as how the company’s new Galaxy Watch Ultra and Galaxy Buds 3 share more than a passing similarity with the Apple Watch Ultra and AirPods.





Image: Samsung

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