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'Build-A-Bear' for Starbucks? Customizable, barista apron-wearing tumblers arrive at the coffee chain

Garth Gator

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Starbucks Japan has brewed up a delightful, customizable tumbler that’s as stylish as it is functional.


The My Custom Stainless Steel Bottle Barista, a nod to the coffee chain’s 10th anniversary of its online store, dons its own miniature Starbucks apron that not only adds a playful touch but also serves a practical purpose with a pocket to hold small items.




These tumblers are all about personal expression. Customers can mix and match caps, rims, and bottles in a rainbow of colors including black, white, light green, green, pink, blue, and even a funky pink-yellow gradient. According to Starbucks, there are 343 possible combinations from this versatile concoction.







Each tumbler holds a Grande-sized 16 ounces of your favorite beverage and is available exclusively through Starbucks Japan's online store for 5,800 yen US$41).




Starbucks is encouraging customers to further personalize their tumblers with ribbons, patches, and pins. It’s a fun and creative way to make your drinkware truly your own.



Images: Starbucks

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