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Apple adds new iPhone charging options to iOS 18

Garth Gator

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Tired of your iPhone's battery draining faster than a marathon runner at the finish line? Apple's got a new trick up its sleeve: expanded charging limits. 


The tech giant’s iOS 18 update is charging ahead with new features designed to give users more control over their iPhone’s battery health. The latest update introduces expanded charging limit options for iPhone 15 and iPhone 16 models, allowing users to choose from limits of 80%, 85%, 90%, or 95%. This new flexibility is all about prolonging battery life by reducing the time your iPhone spends fully charged, a common culprit in battery wear and tear.


Previously, iPhones allowed users to cap their charging at 80%, but the addition of more options gives people the ability to better tailor their charging habits to their daily routines. If you’re someone who keeps your phone plugged in for extended periods—whether at your desk or overnight—setting a lower limit could help keep your battery in better shape over the long haul.


To activate this feature, head to the Settings app, select Battery, then tap on Charging. From there, you can choose a limit that best suits your lifestyle. For example, if you frequently charge throughout the day, a cap at 80% or 85% may be ideal. But for those who need a bit more juice between charges, opting for 90% or 95% could strike the perfect balance between battery life and device longevity.



What makes iOS 18 even smarter is its proactive recommendation system. Your iPhone will analyze your charging habits and suggest an optimal limit based on how you use your device. These recommendations will appear as notifications and can also be found in the Battery section of the Settings app.


It’s important to note, however, that this feature is only available for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 16 models. Older devices, such as the iPhone 14 Pro and earlier, won’t have access to these expanded charging options.




Image: Ifeelstock | Dreamstime.com

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