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Miley Cyrus sued over 'Flowers' song that allegedly infringes copyright of Bruno Mars track

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Miley Cyrus might be singing about buying herself flowers, but she’s about to find out if those blooms come with a hefty price tag. A lawsuit has been filed by Tempo Music Investments, alleging that her song, Flowers, bears a striking resemblance to Bruno Mars’ 2013 track When I Was Your Man.


According to Tempo, which acquired a portion of the copyright from Mars’ co-writer Philip Lawrence in 2020, Cyrus’ Grammy-winning song is an unauthorized derivative work that shares key musical elements with the Mars ballad.


Filed in a California federal court, the lawsuit claims that Flowers and When I Was Your Man share similar melodies, harmonies, and lyrical content. Tempo Music points to what it calls a “musical fingerprint” linking the two songs. The complaint highlights that the opening lines of both choruses feature nearly identical chord progressions, drawing comparisons between Mars’ line, “That I should have brought you flowers and held your hand,” and Cyrus’ response, “I can buy myself flowers and I can hold my own hand.”



Released in January 2023, Flowers became an instant sensation, topping the Billboard Hot 100 for eight weeks and earning Cyrus her first Grammy. While some fans chalked the reference up to clever interpolation, Tempo Music sees it to Mars’ 2013 hit differently and is now seeking damages.


The lawsuit names not only Cyrus but also her co-writers Gregory Hein and Michael Pollack, as well as Sony Music Publishing and distributors like Apple and Amazon. Tempo Music is calling for compensation and an injunction to halt further distribution and performance of Flowers.





Image: Miley Cyrus

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