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What can be done with an old guitar? A circular economy solution

FOUNDling Reusery

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Twisted neck, lifting bridge, sticky tuners, or just not getting played anymore, an old guitar is often little more than an attractive door stop.  That’s about to change.


Introducing Re-Tuned, a Bluetooth speaker module designed to fit into the sound hole of an old guitar, transforming it into a beautiful sounding Bluetooth speaker.


Designed in Victoria, Australia, our Bluetooth speaker kit will transform almost any full sized acoustic guitar (and many 3/4 size acoustic guitars) into a beautiful sounding Bluetooth speaker.  Simply remove the old strings, slide the kit into the sound hole, tighten the built-in clamps, screw on the cover, plug in the power cord, and enjoy your cool new Bluetooth speaker.

Each Re-Tuned kit comes with a pre-assembled amplifier module featuring a quality 20W Apt-X compatible Bluetooth amplifier and high quality 2.5" speaker, as well as a speaker cover plate.  Australian delivered kits will come with a 240V power pack, international kits will come with a USB power supply for universal compatibility.


We have designed Re-Tuned to fit as many different guitars as possible.  The kit will fit seamlessly into most full size guitars and many 3/4 size ones.


Re-Tuned sets out to be the most sustainable bluetooth speaker kit on the market.  Not only is the kit designed to make use of old unused guitars by turning them into the speaker’s acoustic chamber, they are also constructed in the most sustainable fashion possible.  All parts are easily accessible for repair or upgrade, and if we hit our $12,500 funding goal we will be able to make every plastic part of the speakers from recycled milk bottle caps right here in Australia.


With over 1.8 million acoustic guitars sold in the USA alone every year, there are a lot of guitars reaching the end of their playable lives.  We want to make just a few of them useful again.


Re-Tuned is currently in pre-production, so if you’d like to get your hands on one, or want to find out more, head to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/foundling/re-tuned-turn-your-old-guitar-into-a-bluetooth-speaker/ 

KS Prototype Closeup recycled.jpg

ReTuned Landscape 4.jpg

ReTuned Portrait 7.jpg

Zero Plastics Landscape 1.jpg

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