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Marvel unleashes 5-hour ASMR with coven of witches from 'Agatha All Along'

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Marvel has conjured up a five-hour ASMR video to promote its new series Agatha All Along, a spin-off from the critically acclaimed Disney+ series WandaVision. This spooky visual and auditory treat spotlights the show’s leading ladies—Kathryn Hahn, Aubrey Plaza, Patti LuPone, and Sasheer Zamata—engaging in various ASMR activities designed to give viewers that signature tingling sensation.


Kathryn Hahn, reprising her role as the wickedly entertaining Agatha Harkness from WandaVision, can be seen tapping her fingernails against a branch, presumably practicing her percussive sorcery skills. Not to be outdone, Aubrey Plaza, who plays the warrior witch Rio Vidal (aka Green Witch), uses various objects to create sounds with knives and even gives them a lick or two (one can only hope she’s cast a protection spell against tetanus).



Meanwhile, Patti LuPone, embodying the coven leader Lilia Calderu, shuffles cards with the poise of a Vegas dealer, while Sasheer Zamata, as sorceress Jennifer Kale, fiddles with the chain of a potion bottle. The video loops a three to four-minute segment, creating a hypnotic experience that could rival any magical trance.


Fans can now stream the two-episode premiere of Agatha All Along on Disney+.




Image: Marvel Entertainment

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