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Ultraman fans, get ready to size up your collection. Funko’s latest addition to its Jumbo Chan series is bringing the iconic Japanese superhero to new heights—literally—standing at 14 inches.


The Jumbo Chan Ultraman vinyl figure pays homage to the beloved character who first zoomed onto television screens in the mid-1960s. With only 1,200 units produced, this collectible is probably as rare as a kaiju sighting in downtown Tokyo. Funko has lovingly recreated Ultraman's signature look in this rounder form, featuring the icon’s bold red and metallic silver armor, complete with piercing yellow (albeit bug-like) eyes.




The packaging, too, is a nostalgic trip down memory lane, designed to evoke the charm of early action figure boxes. With stylized front-panel art that screams retro-cool, it’s almost too pretty to open—just almost. Each figure also comes with a certificate of authenticity.






The Ultraman figure is in good company, joining the ranks of other beloved characters in Funko’s Jumbo Chan series. Previous releases have included the likes of Voltron and Ken the Eagle from Gatchaman, cementing the series’ reputation as a celebration of retro Japanese toys.


Collectors will need to wait a tad longer before they can add this giant to their lineup. The Ultraman figure is set to ship on October 22, giving fans a little more time to clear some serious shelf space. At US$250, though, it’s not exactly pocket change.









Images: Funko

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