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Danny Boyle’s latest cinematic venture, the much-anticipated 28 Years Later, may soon prove that big scares can come from small devices. The acclaimed director has shot his $75 million sequel entirely on the iPhone 15 Pro Max, making it the biggest movie to ever be filmed with smartphones.


Working alongside cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle, Boyle harnessed the iPhone 15 Pro Max's advanced features to bring their post-apocalyptic vision to life. The device’s ability to shoot in ProRes 4K at 60fps and its compatibility with ACES color grading helped capture the high-quality visuals demanded by the project.


With that, while the phone was central to filming, Boyle and his team still kitted it out with professional attachments, including cinema lenses and external microphones, to elevate the production value.


Interestingly, this smartphone switcheroo was kept under wraps during the entire production. Cast and crew were sworn to secrecy, bound by non-disclosure agreements. It wasn’t until recently that sources close to the project confirmed the unconventional choice of camera.


For Boyle, this move isn’t entirely out of character. Back in 2002, he made headlines for using the Canon XL-1 digital camera for the original 28 Days Later, a move that was revolutionary at the time.


With a star-studded cast including Cillian Murphy, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jodie Comer, Ralph Fiennes, and Jack O’Connell, 28 Years Later is set to hit screens in June 2025. 





Image: Ifeelstock | Dreamstime.com

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