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New Nike CEO's Linkedin profile goes viral, and people can understand why he was chosen for the job

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The LinkedIn profile of Nike’s forthcoming CEO Elliott Hill is turning heads following the sportswear giant’s announcement that he will take over as president and chief executive on October 14, 2024, replacing John Donahoe. Fans have been quick to understand why he was picked for the top spot, especially after discovering the remarkable trajectory of his 30-year journey with the company—a rare story of dedication and grit that’s led him from an intern position to CEO.


Hill’s Nike journey started in 1988, fresh out of graduate school from Ohio University. Back then, he secured an internship as an Apparel Sales Representative after six months of relentless effort, showing the persistence that would define his career.



Over the years, he took on no fewer than 19 roles across different divisions of Nike, spanning senior leadership positions in North America and Europe. His LinkedIn profile reveals a career built on experience in key roles such as Vice President of EMEA Sales and Retail, and President of Consumer and Marketplace, demonstrating an understanding of the Swoosh inside and out.






During his time at Nike, Hill played a pivotal role in growing the business, helping it surpass the $39 billion mark in revenue. His leadership skills and strong background in sales and retail made him a natural choice for the company’s next CEO. His extensive experience, paired with his passion for sports and innovation, comes across clearly in his professional history and explains why his return to Nike is generating so much buzz.



Speaking about his return, Hill wrote:



Nike has always been a core part of who I am, and I’m ready to help lead it to an even brighter future. For 32 years, I’ve had the privilege of working with the best in the industry, helping to shape our company into the magical place it is today… I look forward to delivering bold, innovative products, that set us apart in the marketplace and captivate consumers for years to come.







Images: Nike, Elliott Hill

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