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Elon Musk has been slapped with a wild card by the creators of Cards Against Humanity (CAH), who are suing his space company, SpaceX, for $15 million over claims that it trespassed and damaged a plot of land CAH purchased near the US-Mexico border.


The land in question was purchased by CAH in 2017 with a rather unique purpose: to obstruct the construction of former President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall. Funded by 150,000 supporters, the acquistion was a creative act of protest.


Fast forward to 2024, and CAH is alleging that SpaceX, with facilities nearby, has been trespassing on its plot. According to the lawsuit, SpaceX has been using the land for storage, leaving behind construction materials and equipment, which CAH claims has significantly damaged the property and decreased its value.



Never ones to mince words, CAH’s public statements haven’t exactly been complimentary towards SpaceX. It’s accused Musk of “completely f**king” the land with “gravel, tractors, and space garbage.”


The legal battle is taking shape, with CAH vowing to distribute any winnings from the lawsuit—up to $100 each—among the original supporters who funded the land purchase. It’s also set up a website, www.ElonOwesYou100Dollars.com, to keep backers updated and garner public advocacy.



Images: Antonio Batinić and Frédéric Legrand | Dreamstime.com

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