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LEGO promises to keep physical manuals after upsetting fans with false scare

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It looks like LEGO has come into a stumbling block with diehard builders. The toymaker recently conducted a survey asking participants for their thoughts on a possible transition from paper to digital building instructions. Aimed at testing the waters for ways to further the brand’s sustainability initiatives, the survey toppled, sparking backlash from fans worried about the fate of the beloved physical instruction booklets.


Back in 2019, LEGO introduced Instructions Plus in the LEGO Life app, which later morphed into the standalone LEGO Builder app. This digital tool offers some nifty features like 3D building views, particularly useful for tackling more complex models. However, the recent survey’s wording set off alarm bells for many, who wondered if the company would soon roll out a complete phase-out.


“We want to play our part in building a sustainable future for generations to come. One way we can do this is to reduce our paper usage by switching to digital building instructions,” LEGO wrote under its Insider rewards program (via Gizmodo). “It’s a small change that can make a big difference—and we’d love to know how you feel about it.”


Well, it wasn’t long before LEGO dismantled the survey, likely due to criticism by builders about accessibility issues and the loss of sentimental value tied to manuals they can feel in their hands. For many, flipping through a crisp new instruction booklet is as much a part of the LEGO experience as the satisfying click of bricks snapping together.


LEGO has since reassured fans in a statement that there are no immediate plans to retire physical instructions. It emphasized that the survey was merely a way to gauge preferences and not a blueprint for imminent changes.




Image: Ekaterina79 | Dreamstime.com

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