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Hello Kitty is going 32 shades of green. Sanrio’s iconic feline has been reimagined in different algae-inspired outfits as part of a new exhibit at Japan’s National Museum of Nature & Science for Expo 2025.


The Japan Pavilion at Expo 2025 is divided into three distinct areas: Plant, Farm, and Factory. Together, these spaces embody the JUNKAN cycle of life, a concept deeply rooted in Japanese culture. This cycle emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of sustainable practices.




Hello Kitty’s algae-inspired looks will be on display in the Farm Area, where visitors can explore the surprising versatility of these aquatic organisms. The designs showcase Kitty in various shades of green, sporting an array of imaginative headpieces. From bulbous shapes to triangular forms, the getups reflect the diversity found in this often-overlooked green group.


The adorable algae ambassador is here to spark curiosity about the potential of algae in addressing pressing social and environmental issues, making complex scientific concepts more accessible and engaging to everyday audiences.



So, which version of cell-o Kitty are you?








Images: Expo 2025 Japan Pavilion

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