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Takara Tomy Arts is cranking up the fun on your daily adventures with a backpack that's sure to pop, almost literally. The company has rolled out a quirky, nostalgia-infused backpack shaped like a toy capsule (Gacha) machine, perfect for those who like to wear their love for toys on their sleeve—or rather, their back.


Dubbed the Showy Gacha 2, this backpack is modeled after the beloved Gacha2 Ez vending machine and commemorates 65 years of the capsule toy mania that started in 1965 after Japan imported the concept from America, inviting fans to tote a piece of pop-culture history around.




As February 17, 2025, approaches, marking the official Gacha Day, this unique accessory stands ready to carry the legacy of gachapon into the future, one playful step at a time.




Standing at a compact 16 inches tall, the Showy Gacha 2 is slightly more petite than its predecessor from 2023. This size adjustment makes it an ideal companion for quick errands or casual outings for toy collectors of all ages.




But what's a gachapon machine without the satisfying turn of the crank? Fear not, nostalgia seekers! This backpack comes complete with a handle-turning mechanism that clicks and clacks just like the real thing. While no actual capsules pop out, the familiar sensation is sure to trigger fond memories of arcade adventures past.


The main compartment is roomy enough to fit A4-sized documents, and internal organizers keep your belongings from becoming a jumbled mess. The capsule retrieval door cleverly doubles as a zippered pocket, perfect for stashing small items you want to keep secure.




For those who like to customize their carry, the backpack's transparent display window is a canvas for creativity. The included reversible display card sports different color designs, allowing you to switch up the look. Even better, you can fill the window with your own capsules or trinkets, turning your backpack into a mobile showcase of your favorite tiny treasures. As a bonus, Takara Tomy Arts throws in 10 empty Gacha capsules with each backpack. Whether you use them for storage, display, or impromptu juggling practice is entirely up to you.






Images: Takara Tomy Arts

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