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Portable chargers have become essential for many, but users should be aware of a recent safety alert involving popular models. Anker, a leading manufacturer of power solutions, has issued a recall for three of its well-known battery products due to a potential fire hazard. The issue stems from a manufacturing defect in the lithium-ion batteries used in these devices. The affected models include the Anker 334 MagGo Battery (PowerCore 10K), Anker Power Bank, and Anker MagGo Power Bank.


Here’s a Breakdown of the Situation

Affected Models and Dates:


These products were manufactured between January 3 and September 17, 2024. The recall was prompted after it was discovered that the lithium-ion batteries in these models could overheat, potentially causing the plastic casing to melt, emit smoke, or even catch fire.


What to Do

If you own any of the affected models, it is important to stop using them immediately. Follow these steps:

  • Verify Your Device: Check the model number on your device to see if it matches any of the recalled models, typically found on the bottom of the charger.
  • Store Safely: Place the device in a secure location away from flammable materials.
  • Visit Anker’s Recall Page: Go to Anker’s official recall page and enter your device’s serial number to confirm if it’s part of the recall. For any questions, reach out to support@anker.com.
  • Complete the Recall Form: Fill out the recall form on Anker’s website to initiate the replacement or refund process.
  • Dispose of Safely: Don’t throw the device in the trash or recycling bin. Instead, take it to a certified battery disposal location that handles lithium-ion batteries.






This recall highlights the potential dangers associated with lithium-ion batteries and underscores the importance of following safety guidelines. Anker’s swift response shows their commitment to consumer safety. If you or someone you know owns one of the affected models, it’s a simple process to check if your device is part of the recall and take the necessary steps to ensure safety.



Images: Anker

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