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'Ghost of Tsushima' sequel 'Ghost of Yotei' set for 2025 release with new protagonist [TRAILER]


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Sony’s recent State of Play event officially unveiled the next chapter in the Ghost of Tsushima saga: Ghost of Yotei. Developed by Sucker Punch Productions, this highly anticipated sequel is set to launch in 2025 and will be available exclusively on PlayStation 5, at least initially.


Set in 1603, more than 300 years after the events of Ghost of Tsushima, Ghost of Yotei introduces a new protagonist named Atsu. Her journey unfolds in the rugged and untamed wilderness around Mount Yotei, in Ezo—modern-day Hokkaido. Unlike the structured, organized samurai world of Tsushima, Atsu must navigate the wild landscapes of vast grasslands and icy tundras, confronting unpredictable dangers in this fresh and hostile environment.




Built from the ground up for the PlayStation 5, Ghost of Yotei promises to push the boundaries of gameplay and visual storytelling. Players can look forward to expansive landscapes, dynamic weather systems, and unprecedented environmental interactions, making the world more immersive than ever. Additionally, the sequel will introduce new weapons and mechanics while retaining the core combat and exploration that made Ghost of Tsushima a hit.




With the original setting a high bar with its stunning visuals, compelling combat, and immersive narrative, Ghost of Yotei aims to elevate that legacy further. The game will explore the deeper meaning of what it takes to wear the iconic Ghost mask, creating a new chapter of legend.



The announcement has sparked excitement throughout the fan community, with the reveal trailer already surpassing a million views. Eager fans are speculating about the new challenges and adventures that await. As the release date approaches, one burning question remains: Will Ghost of Yotei live up to the success of its beloved predecessor?



Images: Playstation


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