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Philadelphia Cream Cheese's giant cheesecake gets Guinness World Record for largest ever


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Philadelphia cream cheese has whipped up a storm in the world of desserts and now holds the Guinness World Record for the largest cheesecake. At the annual Cream Cheese Festival in Lowville, New York, the Kraft Heinz brand rose to the occasion by creating a confection that tipped the scales at a jaw-dropping 15,008 pounds. Talk about having your cake and eating it too… loads of it.


The mammoth cheesecake outweighed the previous Russian record holder by more than 5,000 pounds, reclaiming a title the brand had previously held in 2013.




To make its colossal dreams a reality, Philadelphia leaned on a clever shortcut—its No Bake Original Cheesecake Filling—allowing it to create a ready-to-eat masterpiece without ever turning on an oven. With over 13,000 pounds of the filling, paired with a crust made from 750 pounds of graham cracker crumbs, 250 pounds of sugar, and 450 pounds of butter, the team built a cheesecake the size of a school bus, a T-Rex, or 5,000 nine-inch cakes.




It took a dedicated crew of about 40 people over five hours to construct the treat at the festival grounds. Fittingly, Lowville is not just the host of the Cream Cheese Festival but also the site of Philadelphia’s largest production plant.




Sweet-toothed festivalgoers didn’t just get a taste of history; they also got to enjoy slices of the cheesecake right on-site. And in the spirit of giving, what wasn’t devoured by attendees was donated to the Lowville Food Pantry and Watertown Urban Mission, ensuring a sweet victory for all.




Images courtesy of Philadelphia

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