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Google packs a rather poppin', large multiplayer popcorn game into its logo


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Google is buttering up moviegoers and casual gamers alike with its September 25 Doodle, which encompasses an online multiplayer game that is making Doodle history by allowing the largest number of players—60!—to join a single match. Whether you’re playing solo or forming a squad with 59 others, the interactive logo promises a fun and tasty distraction from your usual browsing.


The game is simple but addictive: you start with a popcorn kernel, and by clicking on it, you can inflate it into various shapes. The goal? Avoid getting popped too early while trying to out-puff your competitors before the clock runs out.



Google’s popcorn game is a lighthearted nod to the humble history of the snack, which dates back to the early 16th century when Mesoamerican civilizations first enjoyed it.


The playful game also pays homage to popcorn’s journey to becoming an American snack staple by the 1800s, and beyond. The first popcorn machine, invented in the 1890s, brought the snack to the masses, while the largest popcorn machine ever made set a world record in Thailand on September 25, 2020—exactly four years before Google unveiled this Doodle.



With a record-breaking number of players able to participate in one match, Google’s Doodle highlights popcorn’s universal appeal, turning a simple yet timeless snack into a communal activity. Play it here.



Image: Google

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