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Moo Deng the sassy baby hippo's livestream is here so you can catch her antics 24/7


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Moo Deng, the newest star at Thailand’s Khao Kheow Open Zoo, is proof that even the smallest animals can make the biggest splash. This two-month-old pygmy hippo, born in July 2024 and whose name translates to Bouncy Pork, has become an internet sensation and won all of our hearts.


From playful nibbles on zookeeper knees to tantrums as she’s being carried into a bath, Moo Deng’s charm offensive is in full swing.


This ball of delight’s rapid-fire antics and expressive personality have turned her into a bona fide social media star, despite the blurry nature of most photos due to her perpetual motion. But fear not, devotees! The zoo has launched a 24/7 livestream, giving fans around the globe front-row seats to her daily shenanigans at the pygmy hippo enclosure.


The Moo Deng mania has sparked a visitor boom at Khao Kheow Open Zoo. With weekday crowds topping 4,000 and weekend numbers surging past 10,000, the zoo has had to limit in-person viewing times to a mere five minutes per visitor.



But this pint-sized diva is more than just a cute face. Zoo director Narongwit Chodchoy points out that the baby pygmy hippo’s popularity is shining a spotlight on the plight of her species. With fewer than 3,000 left in the wild, these endangered creatures need all the attention they can get.


In just 19 days of September 2024, Moo Deng’s star power helped the zoo rake in nearly 13 million baht (about US$393,900) from ticket sales alone. Her zoo also expects to welcome over a million guests by the year’s end, aiming for a total revenue of 200 million baht (around US$6 million).









Image: Coconutdreams | Dreamstime.com

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