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Jennifer Aniston gives closure for dress color discrepancies in 'Friends' HD & 4K versions

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Rachel Green or Rachel Blue? Jennifer Aniston has stepped in to clear up a color conundrum that Friends fans have been scratching their heads over.


The debate centers around a dress worn by Aniston’s character, Rachel Green, in the second episode of the third season, titled The One Where No One’s Ready. This particular outfit has recently become the subject of discussion among audiences, all thanks to HBO’s streaming service Max. In celebration of the sitcom's 30th anniversary, Max released Friends in 4K quality.


The issue arose when the streaming platform shared identical stills of Rachel on Instagram. In the HD version, the dress appeared to be a pastel green. However, the 4K upgrade seemed to transform it into a baby blue.



A post shared by Max (@streamonmax)



To settle the matter once and for all, Jennifer Aniston herself took to her Instagram Stories, definitively stating, “For the record, the dress was mint green,” and confirming that the original HD version more accurately represented the dress’s true hue.


This noticeable contrast shows how enhancements can sometimes lead to unexpected results. While 4K resolution generally offers superior image quality, in this case, it seems to have altered the perceived color of the iconic dress due to differences in how the original film interacts with new digital processes.



Images: Max

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