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Sonic the Hedgehog is speeding into the DC Universe, and it’s not just because he’s faster than a speeding bullet. Sega’s beloved characters are stepping into the shoes of DC’s most iconic superheroes. Announced during the Sonic Central virtual fan event, this partnership will bring a new comic series in March 2025, where Sonic and his friends take on the mantles of the Justice League.


Sonic will zoom into the role of the Flash (naturally), while Knuckles flexes his muscles as Superman. Shadow the Hedgehog, already no stranger to brooding, will take on the mantle of Batman. Amy Rose will lasso the part of Wonder Woman, Tails will gear up as Cyborg, and Silver will light up as Green Lantern.



The unveiling coincides with Batman’s 85th anniversary, marked by a teaser video where the bat-signal summons not the Dark Knight, but Shadow the Hedgehog.



Behind the scenes, Ian Flynn, a veteran of the Sonic IDW comics, will pen this five-issue series.


Beyond the comics, the partnership will extend to merchandise, with themed clothing and toys hitting shelves, further uniting these two legendary universes. With Sonic’s high-speed adventures merging with DC’s heroic narratives, this crossover will likely be an epic ride for both gaming and comic enthusiasts.





Opening image: Sonic the Hedgehog

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