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Virgin Atlantic has taken a bold step towards enhancing inclusivity by becoming the first UK airline to offer British Sign Language (BSL)-trained cabin crew on all its flights. This groundbreaking move aims to enhance the travel experience for deaf and hard-of-hearing passengers, making air travel more accessible and comfortable for everyone.


The airlines collaborated with key figures from the deaf community, including Jodie Ounsley, a deaf Gladiators star, and deaf twin content creators Hermon and Heroda Berhane. They tested the airline’s services on a flight from London Heathrow to Washington DC as part of Virgin Atlantic’s broader efforts to celebrate International Week of Deaf People. Their feedback will be shared with the airline’s newly established Accessibility Advisory Board, a panel composed of industry leaders with personal experiences of accessible travel. This board is tasked with reviewing the airline’s processes and products to continually improve accessibility, empowering all passengers to travel with ease.




Virgin Atlantic’s initiative addresses the concerns of many deaf and hard-of-hearing travelers. According to new research, while 82% of individuals with hearing loss plan to travel in the next year, 58% are worried about communication challenges with cabin crew, and 90% are concerned about missing important announcements. Ounsley echoed these concerns but expressed confidence in Virgin Atlantic’s approach, noting that the presence of BSL-trained crew makes her feel more comfortable and empowered during flights.




The airline’s BSL-trained crew is equipped to assist passengers with various aspects of their journey, from welcoming them in BSL to providing guidance onboard and ensuring they don’t miss any key announcements. This service ensures a smoother, more personalized travel experience for deaf and hard-of-hearing passengers. Virgin Atlantic is also enhancing its in-flight entertainment by increasing the availability of subtitled content, further improving accessibility.


The campaign also highlights the personal stories driving this change. For instance, it features Emma Flanagan, one of the BSL-trained cabin crew members, who learned sign language to communicate with her deaf goddaughter. Her own experiences with Tinnitus also deepen her understanding of the challenges faced by passengers with hearing loss, and she is dedicated to making their travel experience as comfortable as possible.




Virgin Atlantic’s commitment to accessibility doesn’t stop with BSL-trained crew. The airline has introduced Sign Live, an on-demand BSL interpreter service for customer support, ensuring comprehensive assistance throughout the travel experience.



With these pioneering efforts, Virgin Atlantic is setting a new standard for inclusivity in the aviation industry. By engaging with the deaf community and improving accessibility, the airline creates a more welcoming travel environment for all. Will other airlines follow suit in making air travel more accessible?



Images: Virgin Atlantic



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