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Life-Size ‘Coraline’ Doll Takes Fans Into The Other World


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Step into the spooky, topsy-turvy Other World of Coraline this Halloween with a life-size doll inspired by the dark fantasy stop-motion film courtesy of Kidrobot.Coraline, originally a novella by Neil Gaiman, was brought to the silver screen through the direction of Henry Selick. The narrative follows Coraline’s journey as she stumbles upon a mysterious door leading to the Other World. Everything about this new strange world seems to be the same as her life back in the real world, except that everyone has buttons for eyes instead.

As she tries to escape from the mundane life she originally led and essentially being ignored by her parents, she is first sucked into the whimsical new world and the caring arms of her Other parents.

However, she quickly realizes her new life is too good to be true as her Other Mother turns into a monster that tries to trap her in the Other World.

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