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Apple Debuts Useful & Accessible ‘Double-Tap’ Hand Gesture In WatchOS


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Apple has introduced the Double Tap feature in the watchOS 10.1 update for the Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 devices. This new addition allows users to perform various functions on their Apple Watch using just one hand. It won’t just be handy for multitaskers but also users with mobility issues.To activate Double Tap, users simply need to tap their thumb and index finger together twice. The Apple Watch will display a small icon to confirm that the gesture has been recognized. The move relies on the device’s built-in sensors, which detect subtle finger movements and monitor blood flow when the fingers are positioned correctly.

Image via Apple

Double Tap offers a range of functions, including opening the Smart Stack, managing phone calls, reading and responding to messages, controlling timers, snoozing alarms, playing or pausing media, and adjusting flashlight modes, among others. While third-party apps can utilize Double Tap through incoming notifications, there is currently no Double Tap API for full customization.

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